Emerging from the Depths…

Yes, it’s been a long time. I have a lot of really good excuses which I will not bother you with, because the only thing my dear readers really care about is WHERE IS THE BOOK??? And who can blame them? I wondered where it was myself.

Soul Code is almost done. Because of editor schedule issues it will not be available until early 2019, but it WILL be out. Now with more feral AI spaceships!

Meanwhile, the short stories are popping up in print (finally). The schedule and locations as I know them:

October-ish 2018, “Crossing Over the River” in Pulphouse issue #4

November 2018, “Our Man in Basingstoke” in Fiction River: Spies

June 2019, “Need to Know You” in Fiction River: Summer Sizzles

July 2019, “Restoration” in Fiction River: Doorways to Enchantment


Further Pulphouse news

I had mentioned previously I would have a (new!) short story published in the first issue of the newly revived Pulphouse magazine. Turns out there’s more… I managed to sell yet *another* story, a reprint of “Coyote and the Amazing Herbal Formula”, for their Issue Zero. Even though it was originally a premium for the fundraising Kickstarter supporters, it is also available on Amazon. Pulphouse is a …quirky … publication. How quirky? They published that story with glee! And it’s a pretty weird story if I do say so myself…

The official first Pulphouse issue, I am reliably informed, should be available at the end of January 2018 and will have my new story in it.  Such exciting times we live in!

Pulphouse and Anthology News

First off, Pulphouse, the famous magazine of quirky speculative fiction, is coming back to life. (Yay!) And…guess who sold a story that will appear in the very first issue? I am quite excited about the return of Pulphouse and really looking forward to seeing that story in print. (Should be out January 2018.)

Next, I have also sold stories to three different anthologies in the Fiction River series! No idea yet when they will appear, but I will update here when I know.

Work continues on Soul Code, slightly delayed by Life Stuff. Nothing bad, just timesucks. And the day job doesn’t help either. Someday…

Preorders for Light in the Darkness

If by chance you ordered the boxed set of Light in the Darkness, had it cancelled, and did NOT get the email from Amazon about it being reinstated, yes, it is back. And fabulous. Note that the 99 cent price is only good for the preorder! Once it goes live the price increases. We still don’t have the final word on how much, has to do with file sizes and all. You try jamming 12 full novels in one computer file! Even if you sit on it like a suitcase, it isn’t easy.

Update: The price increase happens when the full file is uploaded, which will be October 8. The new price then will be $1.99 –still a raging bargain–but if you want the ultra cheep rate preorder now!

The Noblebright boxed set is NOT CANCELLED!

On the off-chance that you preordered Light in the Darkness: a Noblebright Fantasy collection and got an email from Amazon about “the publisher cancelling”, no, we didn’t. There has been… let’s call it confusion in the minds of Certain Large Parties. Unilateral actions were taken. Emails and phonecalls are being made to get things working again. The boxed set is ready to go, all the authors are on board. We WILL get it to readers, one way or another, and at the promised promotional price of 99 cents. Unfortunately, re-pre-ordering may be necessary. Sorry.

Adventures are nasty things that make you late for dinner. (sigh)

The State of the Author

Alive! Yes, really. It has been touch-and-go, but the breathing thing continues unabated. Busy. Currently hard at work on Book 3 of the Scent of Metal trilogy, in between day job, new cats, and the ongoing quest to replace my collapsing Depression-era garage. (Seriously. It is a quest, with random monster encounters and quest tokens and buried treasure.)

Another project is in the works, but this time most of the effort has been shouldered by the inestimable C.J. Brightley. The Noblebright Fantasy boxed set is coming soon to an ebook source near you! My fellow authors include C.J.Brightley, Lindsay Buroker, Francesca Forrest, Kyra Halland, Angela Holder, Ronald Long, Mike Reeves-McMillan, T.A. Miles, Christina Ochs, Sherwood Smith, and Emily Martha Sorensen.
LightInTheDarkness_FC2 (2)

And the best part? Twelve stunning books plus extra short stories, all for a mere $.99! Preordering is available right now, for delivery October 18. My contribution is The Last Mage Guardian, plus the previously never published short story “Wolf of Shadows.”

We’re trying to make the concept of Noblebright a movement, something you can search for. We’ve got a website, and more collections are being thought of down the line. This is similar to the Human Wave movement, but more focused on fantasy.

Noblebright is intended to be a positive reaction to the negativity of grimdark. It’s not syrupy, precious nonsense. It isn’t papering over reality with illusion or denial. Real, imperfect characters that do their best in an imperfect world, who make mistakes but get up and try again. Noblebright means, at the very least, in a dark world there is still hope.




One Blood now available for preorder!

The Amazon link is live, and the other sites that allow direct preorders should be up shortly. Actual publish date is April 29, and with luck,  the paper version will also be available by then.

While I’m working on book 3 I will be redoing the look of The Scent of Metal to match the series style and adding a teaser chapter, so don’t worry if you see the book listing change. Same book, different wrapper.

One Blood cover!

The book is with the editor now, and depending on how bad the carnage is among the commas I should have the ebook done and available at the usual fine retail establishments by mid to late April, and paper book shortly thereafter.

Isn’t this luscious?? And below the jump, a sample chapter for your delectation. Ware the commas….



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