Writing life: Updates

I am happy to report that I am 1/3 of the way to completing my CW Write-a-thon goal–meaning one chapter of the three remaining has been completed.  And it was a doozy, since it involved a love scene and I really, really struggle to write love scenes. (More research is clearly indicated…) Thank you to those who have donated or even merely spread the word about the Write-a-thon.

In site-related news, my online store is on the blink again.  It will happily take your order and your money but when you attempt to download, all you get is a big fat error message. I have unleashed the hounds of customer tech support upon the problem. If you do place an order I can get you the book, never fear–it just may take a little longer since I will do it by hand.

The Amazon launch of Raven’s Children is planned for the first week in July.  It will not be in Select. Expect an announcement of The Long Way Home going free for a day or two when Raven’s Children goes live in the Kindle Store–so tell all your friends who haven’t been convinced to try my books yet! For the non-Kindleites, as soon as The Long Way Home exits Select’s three month embargo both books will be added to the Barnes & Noble store, in early August.

Now, back to writing …

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