Short story up!

The Correct Way to Fill Out Form PCR-103-u, a very silly story of bureaucracy, grape soda, and alternate dimensions.  Now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for the piddling price of  $.99.

Cover for Correct Way ...This also includes a short excerpt from the upcoming science fiction book The Long Way Home.  I’ll be putting up at least two more short stories, each with a different excerpt from the book–so collect the set!


Link to Amazon

Link to Barnes & Noble

Curiously enough some of the events in the story were inspired by things that really happened to me during a postdoctoral stint at the Naval Research Lab in DC.  A very, very strange place …

One thought on “Short story up!

  1. Hah! Yes, DC has too many quirks, I discover them every other day. *hunkers down to read*