Reasons I Like Ebooks, #2847

In a recent blog conversation, the topic of old favorite books came up. Someone mentioned Andrea Alton’s Demon of Undoing. I was surprised because I had thought the book long out of print and pretty hard to come by even when I found it years ago in a used bookstore. Well, it’s baaack! Demon of Undoing  All thanks to the wonders of self-publishing. It’s a great book, featuring an alien world from the alien point of view and dealing with humans as rarely seen, dangerous, mysterious beings that are very puzzled  that simply asking questions causes so much trouble. It is frequently funny and full of adventure and derring-do.

Another old favorite, Sorcery & Cecelia, has been available in reprint for a while–but the ebook is currently a mere $2.99. Considering my original paperback is literally falling apart (I love not wisely but too well…) I immediately snapped up a copy. It is a novel of letters, in a Regency England where magic is just one of the things a Lady of Quality might dabble in. When she is not making midnight excursions to kidnap a goat.

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