
The YA fantasy, Jinxers, is now in the hands of its (young) beta readers, the better to tune it for maximum satisfaction. While I was young once myself, it is always wise to consult with the current generation. Anticipated release date is sometime around March, I think.

To whet the appetite, here is a small sample …

Jin shivered and forced himself forward, stepping carefully on the charred beam. The smell of smoke was strong enough to make him cough, and he muffled it in the crook of his arm. He had to hurry—the light was fading fast in the sky, and he could barely feel his feet any more. The rags he’d tied around his feet were not enough to keep them warm. If he still had his cubby it wouldn’t matter so much, but thanks to the fire, he didn’t. He wasn’t even able to grab the ratty wool blanket he kept there, or the few pennies he’d saved. He had nothing but the clothes he wore on his back.

He stepped on what looked like a pool of ash, but was actually ice and ash mixed together, and his foot slipped. The beam shifted with a thud, and Jin froze in fear. If anyone heard, they might come nosing around. He wasn’t stealing, not really. Taking things nobody wanted anymore wasn’t stealing. Before the fire the warehouse had been empty and abandoned for years, after all. The billys might nab him anyway, though. Jin knew some of them thought he was a thief, just because he was good at finding things, and he didn’t want to give them any reason to think it harder. Besides, if nobody knew he was there they couldn’t make him leave. Continue reading

Labor Day Sale!

For the nice long lazy Labor Day weekend I have just put The Scent of Metal on sale everywhere at $1.99. It may take a few hours to percolate through the system, but it will be there… but only for the weekend.

And check out some more authors also doing the Labor Day Sale!

Promo price for The Last Mage Guardian

As promised, I am doing a promotional discount of The Last Mage Guardian to encourage new readers (who will then hopefully want to read Dragonhunters).

Starting Sunday, July 20 and ending Tuesday, August 5, The Last Mage Guardian will be a mere $1.99 at all the usual locations. Even if you already have a copy, one way to earn points with your friends is to point them toward deals. If you think they would enjoy the book, spread the word!

(And Dragonhunters is being proofed right this very minute. Soon, my readers. Soon.)

eARC of Dragonhunters now available!

So, I’m doing things a bit differently this time. I am trying out Gumroad to handle my direct sales, and they do things all in a bunch. So there isn’t a separate epub/mobi option, you get both when you make your purchase. If you just can’t wait for the full formal edited version of Dragonhunters (and who can blame you?) head over to Gumroad using the link below…

Dragonhunters eARC $10.00


A Few Items of Note

1) Dragonhunters is finished and rewritten and waiting for the editor. Soon.

B) I will be attending Libertycon in Chattanooga, TN June 27-28 as both my scientific and authorial self.

iii) A review of The Long Way Home that made me cackle maniacally. If keeping people up late reading is a sin, I am beyond doomed because it seems to happen a lot (and yes, I do it on purpose!)

Also, the Clarion West Writeathon is starting up. I am taking part as always, to help new writers who will go on to write new stuff for us to read. This year, one of the students is a member of my critique group who writes very unique fiction, and I confidently expect Good Things to come from him.

As the release date for Dragonhunters is finalized I am planning some promotional goodies such as a Goodreads giveaway, temporary price discounts, etc. Stay tuned…